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Kayaks vs Boats

Kayaks vs Boats

A new local fishing club recently started up in Northern Ireland “Norther Ireland federation of sea anglers”. The club supports multiple disciplines from LRF, HRF to shore and boat Fishing for all age groups and genders. I was lucky enough to be asked to introduce...
Kraken Rudder Repair

Kraken Rudder Repair

After 2 years of saltwater service, my rudder cables began to show their age by fraying at the rudder. So instead of waiting a week or so for new cables to be shipped, I decided to make some new ones and try to improve on the previous design. For this repair/upgrade...
Froggin’ in a Kraken

Froggin’ in a Kraken

  Froggin’ in a Kraken After a little lay off because of an injury, I was excited to get back out on the water. In my down time I had a chance to look at some different techniques because like many fisherman, I usually get caught up in fishing the same lures and...
Winter fishing necessities

Winter fishing necessities

After spending 2017 traveling the Southeast tournament fishing I decided to take a much needed break from bass fishing. I have heard from some of my closest friends that I should grab the ultra-light rod and go chase Crappie and panfish during the wintertime. So I did...