ICF Freestyle World Championships is about more than your actual score… by Vincent Family | Jul 16, 2019 | Canada, Event Coverage, Events, Family Zone, Kid's Kayaks, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThe International Canoe Federation (ICF) Freestyle World Championships happen every two years on either a wave or a hole feature. This year’s World Championships just finished in Sort, Spain and it was a fabulous experience. The town of Sort is a small town in...
The Ekstremsportveko by teamjk | Jul 14, 2019 | Austria, Creeking, Internationalisation, Nirvana, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesHey guys, it’s Andi again with the story about the Extreme Kayak European Championship in Norway. I went there directly after my stay in America for the World Championship. As every year, the Ekstremsportveko took place in Voss. The Veko is one of the biggest...
The North Fork Championship by teamjk | Jul 4, 2019 | Austria, Creeking, Event Coverage, Events, Nirvana, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesHey guys, it is Andy here. Guess what, I’ve been to North Fork Championship in June and it was amazing. Lucky me, I was with my friend Janosch Plathner there and could share this amazing experience with him. But first, what is the North Fork Championship? The North...
17th Annual Nolichucky River Cleanup & Celebration by wildwildwes | Jun 28, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, WhitewaterSaturday, June 22nd, the Appalachian Paddling Enthusiasts gathered again for the 17th Annual Nolichucky Cleanup. The APEs have been hosting this event nearly every year to help keep the Nolichucky River clean for paddlers, fishermen, and river-users alike! The summer...
Equality in the extreme by teamjk | Jun 27, 2019 | Creeking, Event Coverage, Events, Nirvana, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesRecently, I participated in an extreme kayak event called the North Fork Championships. This event has become quite prestigious among whitewater athletes. The event has been taking place for the last several seasons and has attracted international talent. This year...
River Run Park is finally flowing! by Greg Parker | Jun 26, 2019 | Internationalisation, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, United States, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesRiver Run Park in Denver was completed last spring, but it didn’t run in 2018 because it was a low water year. After a snowy winter, the South Platte was running 800 cfs the other day, so I finally went test out the new spots. For beginner kayakers, this park...
Kayaking competitions are fun for families by Vincent Family | Jun 24, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, Family Zone, WhitewaterWe are not a competitive family in terms of competing with those outside our family. Competition inside the family is a different story and a great motivator to learn new skills in all areas of our lives. We first got involved with kayaking competitions when Hunter...
Paddling Maps by davecrerar | Jun 23, 2019 | WhitewaterOver the last couple of years, a small army of us, led by Aquabatics, have been developing a new river guide system. Originally just in North America Simon’s brainchild has exploded on the international scene. It is a GPS based product that allows...
Becoming an ACA Instructor by kylethomas | Jun 21, 2019 | Antix, Clinics, Instructional, Nirvana, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionOver the past five years, I have volunteered a tremendous amount of time to the American Canoe Association (ACA). I have been teaching whitewater and sea kayaking for the past decade, but have only been ACA certified for the past five years. Teaching has always gone...
CKS PaddleFest by nicktroutman | Jun 20, 2019 | Canada, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesOur weekend in Buena Vista Colorado for the CKS PaddleFest was filled with paddling and competing, and racing and tons of fun with family and friends. The freestyle event was held on the whitewater park in South Main as well as the annual Numbers race on the Numbers...
HAUT TARN by nourianewman | Jun 18, 2019 | Creeking, France, Internationalisation, Nirvana, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesFrench rivers are no Little White Salmon or North Fork of the Payette. I come from a country which doesn’t have many clean drops or big water. We have good cheese and real bread though ! Our whitewater isn’t the best and the paddling season is pretty short but we...
Finding clarity – A Weekend on the North Fork of the Lewis by janekoopman | Jun 15, 2019 | Creeking, Nirvana, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThis spring I have paddled the least of any spring in the last 8 years. Not by choice, just work, snow, love, geography and it makes me a little sad. It has also made me consider a little bit my identity as a paddler. How can I be a “good boater” if its already June...