Jackson Zen 3.0 Sizing by wildwildwes | Jan 16, 2020 | Whitewater, ZenSizing Your Zen 3.0 Left to right bow deck line-up: Yellow JK Zen 3.0 Large Lime JK Zen 3.0 Medium Sky Blue JK Zen 3.0 Small The J.A.W. is now stocked up with all three sizes of the new Jackson Kayak Zen 3.0 ready for demo action in the Appalachian Highlands of...
Regional bass size by teamjk | Mar 20, 2019 | FishingAs a kayak tournament angler, I’ve had the opportunity to travel, and fish all over the eastern half of the United states. In doing so, I’ve realized, not all fisheries share the same quality of bass. What I mean by that is, the average sized...
Antix antics by Hilde Schweitzer | Sep 29, 2017 | Antix, Creeking, Reviews, River Running, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesAntics:(noun) foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior Antix:(boat) A means to accomplish all of the above We have been using the Medium Antix since December. It has been down the Grand Canyon, the Middle Fork Salmon, and spent many days on the...