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Thompson River

Thompson River

The Thompson River is an amazing and spectacular run located in both North Carolina and South Carolina. My friend Erik Amason and I had the privilege of taking the spectacular trip down the granite slides and amazing scenery that make up the run. Enjoy the...
Weeknight Kayak Fishing

Weeknight Kayak Fishing

Daylight savings time to some is a burden but to others it is a welcoming change that offers a little bit of extra time for weeknight kayak fishing. Weeknights are kinda how my bass fishing career really took off. Over the years I have spent several Wednesday nights...
Checking out the Big Rig HDFD

Checking out the Big Rig HDFD

Boat show season is that time of year that after being locked down we finally get out, see a few familiar faces and check out the new kayaks. This year’s boat show tour kicked off once again down in Louisville, Ky with the great folks at Canoe Kentucky and...
The Unplug

The Unplug

This is the reason that I do what I do and also why I do it so much. You cant put a value on being able to remove yourself from the day to day and putting yourself in the middle of something that moves and operates regardless of if you’re there or...