Truck Life Tour 10: More kayaking, more competitions, more FUN. by sethashworth | Jun 21, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Playboating, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThe Stakeout continued in full swing last week as we brushed off our hangovers from the UNLEASHED after party with some Mistassibi laps on Sunday. We sent it with a big crew many of whom were running the river for their first time. Mistassibi is a crucial...
7 Things to expect at your first Stakeout by Brooke Hess | Jun 19, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Internationalisation, Playboating, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesSTAKEOUT- the time of year in early spring when a small group of (crazy) people gather in northern Quebec in search of the world’s biggest and best river waves, and stake them out. This spring I experienced my first Stakeout, and here are some things you...
Truck Life Tour 8: Getting UNLEASHED. by sethashworth | Jun 1, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Events, Playboating, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThis last week has been a rapid whirlwind of kayaking in the final build up toward stage one of the UNLEASHED competition. After the water level came down a little we were able to get back onto the Ruins wave in Ottawa. Last year I had a real love...
Truck Life Tour 7: Facing giants and searching for new ones by sethashworth | May 29, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Playboating, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThis week of truck Life Tour has been the most static of any week so far. But when I say static I mean we have slept in the same place all week, we have probably still clocked up another 500km of driving. Brooke and I have been based in the Ottawa valley...
Truck Life Tour 6: Back In Canada EH! by sethashworth | May 27, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Playboating, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesOk, here we are back on #TruckLifeTour proper, and now the focus of our tour shifts from hope boat training to big waves as we venture into one of my favorite zones, eastern Canada. My new home the Ottawa river is going rickter high and this is just the...
Work Week Dries by shanegroves | May 8, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Playboating, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesHaving beast whitewater surrounding you in all directions a rain storm away from running comes with its challenges. A normal workday with family responsibilities are then taken in stride between laps on class V and, recently, surfing the Dries. I went to bed Sunday...
Starting the Year Off Right in Uganda – The Nile River Festival by Jessie Stone | Feb 7, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Event Coverage, Events, Internationalisation, Playboating, United States, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW DisciplinesThis January marked the 14-year anniversary of my first trip to Uganda – wow has time flown by! Never in a million years would I have imagined how that trip would have changed my life. Today, 14 years later, I am still paddling as much as I can on the Nile which turns...
Skookumchuck by Claire OHara | May 14, 2014 | Whitewater In March, Steve O invited me to join him on a trip to Canada to paddle Skook! 3 weeks later i’m sat in his van in BC, Canada waiting for the wave to come in so we can head out for our second session on this incredible tidal wave. Years ago, Pete Astles...
Madison Wave by Adam Swett | May 7, 2014 | WhitewaterThe Madison wave is so fun to surf that the wait in-between your last surf and next can be excruciating. This for me is truth because of shear excitement, energy and potential for something to take place there, out on the wave you did not expect....
Waveosaurus by Courtney Kerin | Apr 30, 2014 | WhitewaterAfter being given some local beta and finding out about high water levels on the Connecticut River, we discovered a wave was in near the Dinosaur Footprints in Massachusetts. EJ and I quickly loaded into the mini and Jessie Stone followed us on our search. We pulled...
2013 Allstar in the Ocean by Adam Swett | Mar 5, 2013 | WhitewaterMy big nemesis is trying to hit the ocean waves here in Maine. Trying to get swells, buoys, wave heights and winds all nailed down is a real struggle. Sometimes I get completely skunked because there’s no surf, the waves are way too big or it’s crazy...
Adam Swett’s Year End Allstar Review- Big Waves and ME Classics! by Adam Swett | Dec 11, 2012 | WhitewaterAs I sit at my computer it is literally 14 degrees fahrenheit with a high today of 26! Is this too cold to paddle? My old cut-off used to be 45 but that was thrown out the window. I guess we will just have to wait and see as next week it will be a balmy 46 degrees and...