A Year of Awesome Opportunities by Emily Jackson | May 6, 2017 | 2015 Zen, 2016 Rock Star Competition, Creeking, Family Zone, Playboating, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesA Year of Awesome Opportunities! Today I am writing from the Sequoia National Forest- we are parked at the take out of Brush Creek. A Creek I ran 12 years ago but not since! My husband Nick and I have two kids and two dogs packed into my Sprinter RV, and a trailer...
Antix down the Little White: Wild & Free Tour by nicktroutman | May 3, 2017 | Antix, Creeking, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesWe finally made it to the snow filled west coast for some amazing paddling in White Salmon, WA. Rafa Ortiz and myself took our new Antix’s down the L’Dub for some fun times, a ton of squirts, splats and touch of shenanigans out on the river. Keep the good...
Face Melting Clas III on the Cranberry by shanegroves | Jan 28, 2017 | 2014 Karma Unlimited, Creeking, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesWhen West Virgina gets good flows cycling in, it doesn’t get much better. We can hit up a high water play run on the New or catch a classic class V creek. It is hard to venture from the epic, action packed goods, but we have so many easy wilderness runs that get...
Water Conservation: Tips for the West Coast by Jessica Yurtinus | Sep 30, 2014 | WhitewaterThe West is currently experiencing the worst drought I have ever seen. There are wildfires burning from the south end of California through Washington State. The water is so low in the Truckee River the fish had to be transplanted into the nearby lakes and reservoirs...
Tumwater Canyon – Chocolately Milky Good by Brett Barton | Aug 19, 2014 | WhitewaterFor the last month and a half central Washington has been on fire, literally. Over 600,000 acres have burned already. And while the last few days have been filled with life giving rain and cooler temps, many thousands of acres on hilltops and mountain ridges deep in...
Jeff West’s Final Vertical Miles: The North Fork Payette and Little White Salmon by Kat and David Levitt | Jan 30, 2013 | WhitewaterJeff West makes a big punch on the North Fork Payette during his final vertical mile. Jeff in the whiteout of Idaho, getting ready for the Stikine. Below he is about to launch off the famous swinging bridge to complete a last run of the day on the meat of the run,...
Remembering Jeff West… A Tribute to ‘Superman’ of the River by Kat and David Levitt | Sep 21, 2012 | WhitewaterSomeone once said that “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” * This makes perfect sense in regards to the Southeast’s legendary paddling figure; Jeff West. His handsome face with a defined jaw, and tall muscular frame...
The Subtleties of Safety by Jeff West | Feb 7, 2012 | Clinics, Creeking, WhitewaterThe Subtleties of Safety Paddling fires us up, especially when rain is coming. I get amped looking at the five day forecast. As a storm rolls east towards the Appalachians the excitement builds. Two days before a big storm, I will start rearranging my schedule, trying...
Seven Days Self Support on the Grand Canyon! by Jeff West | Jan 5, 2012 | River Running, rivers, Team JK, Trip Reports, Trips, WhitewaterSeven Days Self Support in the Grand Canyon Why is kayaking through the Grand Canyon so special? Here are a few reasons: the sky is bluer, the stars are brighter, friendships are stronger, laughter is louder, the shade is cooler, the sun is warmer, the river is...