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Our sport can be tough when you look at the amount of hours we spend on the water, in preparation and traveling. That doesn’t even count for all the things that may happen at home or work throughout the week. It can be tough to keep a positive outlook at times, even...

Perspective – An angler, who happens to be a female.

“Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, ‘I’m going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that’s tough. I am going to snow anyway.’ ” Maya Angelou “Whoa that dude just caught a musky over there in the kayak!! …… wait…. I think that’s a chick…” One of the...

Torskfiske på det grunda

…….som vanligt stämde inte väderprognosen, när jag och Peter tog oss ut till våra waypoints. Vinden var hård och kall och vågorna sköljde in i kajakerna. Vi sa högt till varandra att detta påminde oss båda om kaoset i Rugen förra året, men att vi ger det...