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The Devils Rewards

On the edge of the desert in the Trans Pecos region of south west Texas lies a jewel we know as the Devils River. Primarily a spring fed river, the waters are clear and cold year round and hold trophy largemouth and the best smallmouth fishing in the state. The river...

Coosa in Florida!

We had a great time in Florida (Jory at Florida Paddle Sports treated us well)… we ran those Coosa’s through the ringer and they performed magnificently.  The boats answered a lot of the things that the Daytrippers needed.  I’m gonna feel really...

Good Friday Floating

Easter is one of my favorite holidays. It’s an incredible time to mix together reflection from the past and vision for the future. A holiday that leaves you in awe. My wife and I chose Birmingham, Alabama as our Easter destination this year, allowing a chance...

Coosa Carpin’

On a bright warm April day, I joined two new Coosa owners for their first trip in their new boats. The target for the day would be Coosa River carp on the fly. The fish were everywhere today, but unfortunately due to the coming spawn, they didn’t seem to have...

Searching for Smallies

With my brother getting married in less than a month, it was time for a goodbye-bachelor float trip. We headed up to the TN river in north alabama to float fish some feeder streams for smallmouth. The water was pretty chilly and so was the morning air temps, but we...

The Coosa……..not just for rivers

Here is fellow central Illinoisan, Andy Kraft enjoying the benefits of the Coosa on a local strip mine lake. I believe this was Andy’s first day in his new Coosa. He reported to me that he “is blown away by the Coosa”. While the Coosa is definitely a...

Brazos River Texas – 7 lb Largemouth!

Hit the Brazos in the Coosa this weekend with some friends, the high was 90 degrees on Saturday with a south wind and Sunday it never got above 60 degrees with a north wind. I caught about a dozen fish Saturday, including a spotted bass and one 12” smallmouth. I...

Coosa Shakedown Overnighter

By Randy Jackson (Kayak Instruction, Inc) 4/4/2011   After picking up a new Coosa Elite recently, I’ve been anxious to get it on moving water and put it through its paces.  There was also some new camping gear collected over the winter months that needed to be...