How to Progress Your Kayaking by teamjk | Jan 16, 2019 | Antix, Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionI think one of the most common questions my friends and I get from other people is how to progress their kayaking. Everyone wants to get better at boating and progress their skills to be able to boat bigger and different rivers. There are at least a hundred different...
Scouting for a Tournament by Chuck Bahan | Jan 15, 2019 | Fishing Instruction, Fishing Tournament, Instructional, TournamentsThe 2019 kayak fishing starts off with a fun tournament next Saturday the 19th called the Minimalist Challenge put on by Bayou Coast Kayak Club (BCKFC) which is one of the largest kayak clubs in the country. What’s neat about this format is you get 5 mystery...
Ultimate river/creek drag chain setup? by teamjk | Jan 14, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalWhen roaming moving water of any speed a way to manage boat speed or drift is a must have. The ability to drift at an eighth of the speed of the current compared to full current speed invaluable. It will allow you more time to assess the structure. More casts or more...
Power Pole Install by teamjk | Jan 6, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalOne of the awesome features that Jackson includes on a few of their boats is they are pre rigged for a Power Pole Micro anchor system. The rear deck already comes with the proper size threaded inserts from the factory so all you have to do is drop the mounting...
Hawg Trough Measuring-Catch Photo Release Tips by teamjk | Dec 26, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalOne of the most frustrating things to happen to a tournament angler is losing a fish off of your hawg trough when trying to take a photo. We’ve all been there, catch a good fish then to be let down by the fish flopping off the board and into the water before you...
Securing your gear by Sean White | Dec 23, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, Internationalisation, United StatesKayak fishing gear is expensive. On any given trip I will load over $2000 worth of gear into the back of my truck. My typical gear includes dry suit, pfd, paddle, fish finder, battery, rods, seat and a myriad of accessories. All of which will be damp and smelly for...
HOW TO: TRANSFERRING YOUR TRACKS FROM A LOWRANCE TO GOOGLE EARTH by Scott Myers | Dec 21, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalI’ve told quite a few people that one of the best purchases I’ve made in terms of kayak fishing gear was a Lowrance map/fishfinder unit and satellite imagery map card. Having the map on and at arms length all day long lets me make way better...
5 tips to make your first overnight a great one: by teamjk | Dec 14, 2018 | Creeking, Instructional, River Running, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW Disciplines1. Pack good food! A lot of the time people get the idea that they need to pack a small amount of food that is really light and yes it does make it easier to carry your boat and makes it a little bit lighter. But there is nothing better than pulling out a tasty dinner...
How I Transport My Kayak or Paddleboard by clinttaylor | Dec 12, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, Internationalisation, United StatesKayak fishing can be a lot of fun, but the tricky aspect can be transporting my kayak or paddleboard to the water’s edge. This isn’t as hard as it might seem to some of you though. There are many different ways to transport kayaks and paddleboards, but for the sake of...
Zip Tie Fishing Net Repair Hack by Jay Randall | Nov 25, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalWe’ve all been there before. You pick up your net and you see some holes have formed in the netting. The common issues that attribute to this are snags on something sharp, a mouse or other little critter that likes to chew or the net is old. I recently had this...
How to rescue an unconscious kayaker by sethashworth | Nov 24, 2018 | Instructional, Video, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionAn essential rescue skill, laid out by team paddler Seth...
Winter Kayaking – Mental and Physical tips by tommypiros | Nov 16, 2018 | Creeking, Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW Disciplines That time of year folks, the inevitable freeze! But that shouldn’t stop you from getting after it in your kayak. Especially since the last few winters haven’t even been that good for snow sports but it is still cold enough to want to be prepared...