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FIBARK- Wrap-Up With Big Fun

  FIBARK (First in Boating on the Arkansas) Festival is in the 65 years old or so and is a staple for paddlers and spectators alike each Father’s Day Weekend.    The events are Held in downtown Salida, CO, staging off of the “Boat Ramp” adjacent...

JKTV Episode 3 is Live!

Sorry about the two day delay for our USA friends, but YouTube blocked our episode in the USA due to a song that used some Bob Marley lyrics.     Dane got it sorted out late last night!   Every country but USA could view it… interesting… Anyhow- this...

My Birthday, Today, I turned 48…

Clearly there was a bunch of turmoil surround the preparations for my birthday last night.   Massive thunderstorms, rain, and tornados everywhere… all hell was breaking loose, it seemed, and just as it looked like evil was going to triumph over good, I woke this...