Tom’s first trip on the sea! by Sam Baxter | Jul 23, 2019 | Fishing, Internationalisation, UKLast month I took young Tom who works for me kayak fishing for the first time, he borrowed my Jackson Kilroy and had a great day fly fishing for Trout. Well he loved it so much he has bought himself a Jackson Kraken 13.5, living on the coast his intention is to go sea...
How to Keep Horseflies at Bay While Playboating by Hannah Ray | Jul 22, 2019 | Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesIf you’ve ever thought that a horse fly was out for vengeance, you may be right. They’ve been known to chase their victims if their first bite doesn’t get them the satisfying meal they were hoping for. A swat is not enough to deter these vicious flies either…Ahhh!!...
SETXKBL Lake Bastrop Recap by dustinnichols | Jul 22, 2019 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Tournaments, VideoRound 5 SETXKBL Lake Bastrop Round 5 of the Southeast Kayak Bass League went down on the first Saturday of June. 65 anglers set off from 2 different launch locations on Lake Bastrop, located 45 minutes Southeast of Austin, Texas. I was lucky enough to pre-fish the...
High water year in Colorado by Greg Parker | Jul 21, 2019 | Internationalisation, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, United States, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesWith around 135% snow pack in the mountains, high levels have been sustained across the state. Many rivers and playspots, that are usually only good a few weeks a year, are still flowing now in mid-late July. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to do a lot of...
Find Whats Best for YOU by Michael Ernst | Jul 21, 2019 | Coosa, Fishing, Internationalisation, Kraken, United StatesThe best kayak for might not be the best for you! We all know that the Jackson Coosa was built for small rivers and moving water, and that the Big Rig was built for stability in big water and to stand and fish out of. Also that the Kraken was designed for offshore...
The Wind Factor by teamjk | Jul 20, 2019 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing TournamentWhen you start breaking down all the variables that account in your approach to catching a fish, you can become mentally fatigued in a hurry. Some of these variables are completely under your control. Things like your choice of lures, rods/reels, clothes, and your...
Nisqually River Clean Up by kylethomas | Jul 20, 2019 | WhitewaterThis year, I participated in the Nisqually River Clean Up for the first time. The Nisqually River Clean Up is an annual event to 1. Heighten awareness and appreciation of the Nisqually River; 2. Celebrate the river’s unique attributes; 3. Foster stewardship of the...
How to get in paddling shape after baby by dianegaydos | Jul 19, 2019 | Family Zone, Fitness, WhitewaterDeciding whether or not, and when, to have children is a big decision. For me, one of my biggest fears was related to my paddling. Will I be able to paddle while pregnant? How long will it take me to get back to paddling after having my baby? How will my husband and I...
Keeping a Fishing Journal by Robert Brown | Jul 19, 2019 | FishingA journal can be a powerful tool with a wide variety of uses. Journals give you a place to write down memories, reflect on events, analyze decisions, and help identify patterns of behavior. The same is true for a fishing journal. By recording and analyzing...
Upper Yough and Cheat Rivers in the Nirvana by Adam Swett | Jul 18, 2019 | Creeking, Nirvana, rivers, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesI hadn’t been to the Upper Yough in…well…I don’t really want to say how many years. Let’s just say it’s been a very long time. I was not surprised when it proved to be as incredible as I remembered. The weekend started at...
Step by Step to taking your Bite to the next Level by teamjk | Jul 18, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalSince I first saw the Bite as a prototype in the factory over a year ago, I admit I was intrigued with its hidden potential as a blank slate to customize how I wanted it. With owning every “River Ready” kayak Jackson Kayak offers from the OG Coosa (which I have...
Extremesport Veko recap by teamjk | Jul 17, 2019 | Creeking, Internationalisation, Nirvana, Norway, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesFor me, and many other whitewater kayakers, the extremesport week at Voss is an annual thing we’re not willing to miss. I’ve already lost count on how many times I’ve been. This year, Veko was hosting the European championship. This meant there was even more kayakers...