How to Wave Wheel by sethashworth | Mar 6, 2019 | Instructional, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Video, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW DisciplinesThe Wave Wheel is one of the most fun down river freestyle tricks you can do. It is basically a downriver cartwheel. Pre-req skills are the flatwater double pump and ideally a flat cartwheel. Check out the video then go give it a...
Mo-Kan Kayak Fishing series by Jason Griffith | Mar 5, 2019 | Event Coverage, Events, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, TournamentsWhen I moved back to Kansas City, from Austin, TX in the summer of 2015 I had no idea of the journey I would be led on with kayaking. Kayaking was always just a fun way for me to get away from my in-depth tech career, and a way for me to make new friends in a...
River Safety Experiment: Underwater Color Visibility by stephenwright | Mar 5, 2019 | Video, WhitewaterAfter being around a few, and reading reports of many whitewater entrapment accidents, I noticed something. Rescuers regularly report that they struggled to see the trapped paddler underwater, even when they were within a few feet of them. This often complicates...
Paddling the Glacial Waters of the Nenana Riverwith the KelloggShow by kelloggfamily | Mar 4, 2019 | Family Zone, WhitewaterWe did a lot of paddling on our trip up to and in Alaska. We had a blast pushing ourselves in Canada and paddling some of the most amazingly clear blue water I’ve ever seen. Most of what we found in Alaska was class IV and up, and the water was nearly all glacial...
Family River Fun by teamjk | Mar 4, 2019 | Coosa FD, Family Zone, Fishing, Outdoor AdventuresWe had every Jackson Kayak we own out on this particular day. We had taken another family out with us who had wanted to try fishing from a kayak. Our kids who are no strangers to kayak fishing or just hanging out in the rivers were in the following kayaks,...
Green Trout by Cole Landry | Mar 3, 2019 | FishingI’m sure we have all been here before… the restless night before a perfectly forecasted fishing morning. The only thing racing through your mind is the through of a stringer full of fat Louisiana Redfish. Then, just when you fall asleep, the alarm clocks screams and...
GET SKINNY by David Roberts | Mar 3, 2019 | FishingAs anglers, we always tend to research certain variables that are approaching us before spending our day on the water. We look at the weather forecast and take into consideration the wind, cloud coverage, moon phases and much more. A majority of the time, conditions...
Well be Back – News from the Nile by Jessie Stone | Mar 3, 2019 | Internationalisation, Playboating, rivers, Rockstar 4.0, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, Whitewater, WW Disciplines“Well be back!” That is how most Ugandans greet you when you come back to Uganda after being away. It means welcome back! And in January 2019, that’s what I heard many times on arriving in Uganda! I was a bit nervous to see what the river level would be and what...
Don’t get left out in the Cold by Tom Reilly | Mar 2, 2019 | FishingIt’s that time of year when the seasons are changing. Both air and water temperatures are dropping and the fishing is slowing down. As air temperature drops we bundle up to stay warm. However, that might not be enough to stay warm on a cold winter’s day. On the...
The Spot by teamjk | Mar 2, 2019 | Family Zone, FishingHere is the coastal bend the bays have begun filling up with anglers hoping to catch huge speckled trout. It’s a beautiful site when one attacks a top water lure early in the morning just as the sun coming up on the horizon. I don’t fish for speckled trout very often,...
What Fish? by dustinnichols | Mar 1, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Tournament, TournamentsWHAT FISH? You ever had one of those days that did not go your way? Well…let me tell you about mine. Let’s go back a bit and talk about my first time on this body of water. Sheldon Lake is a 1230 acre big bass producing lake located east of Houston in...
Fishing is War by Johnathan Alijets | Feb 28, 2019 | Fishing, VideoA few excerpts from a typical day of kayak fishing. Hang ups, break offs and big bass.