Feed em Feel Baits by joey monteleone | Nov 20, 2019 | Fishing Instruction, RiggingFeed Em’ Feel Baits There exists a fair amount of confusion in choosing baits. Regardless of species, geographic location, rod, reel, water type, craft used or conditions each adds a degree of difficulty in deciding what to throw. My belief is the in the right place...
Going Against the Grain by joey monteleone | Sep 1, 2019 | FishingThere are good fishermen and there are great fishermen, and there are those who rarely catch anything and say, “Oh look a pretty sunset.” (photo snap) These are the folks who pride themselves on beauty shots instead of bass shots. To be a great angler sometimes you...
Cutting Weight Through Winter by teamjk | Mar 25, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, RiggingWell I been accused of carrying my weight in gear over the past season whether it be on a boat or my kayak. I load for battling beasts as I’m always afraid of running out when the bite is on. Well since I’m making the cut I figured I would document my process of...
Bug Out Box by teamjk | Dec 19, 2018 | Accessories, FishingIf you could have a Bug Out Bag, why not a Bug Out Box? I’m sure there are plenty of people out there that feel like there is a perfect kayak. Well if you fish the same type of waters consistently, with the same gear load you might think you’ve found the perfect kayak...
Grab and Go to the Fishing Hole by joshtidwell | Oct 27, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesWe fishermen love tackle. I am as guilty as the next guy. On a tournament day, I have been known to paddle out with my kayak looking like a shrimp trawler carrying a tackle shop. But for day to day fishing it was simplicity that drew me to kayak fishing. With that in...
Tackle care in wet conditions by Donald Stubbings | Jun 22, 2018 | Big Rig, FishingEvery kayak angler has a story about fishing through a driving rainstorm or almost losing a rod (or 10) if not for the ever-vigilant rod leash. The untold story is the time and effort anglers must take to properly maintain their gear after hours of fishing in the rain...
The All Occasion Kayak Tackle Box by joey monteleone | Jul 15, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesThere are greeting cards categorized as all occasion why not a tackle box. After staring at multiple tackle boxes full of lures of very description I challenged myself to a kayak one box challenge. If I had to pack one #3600 Plano tackle box for bass fishing year...
Oklahoma City Tackle and Hunting Show by Team Palovik | Jan 17, 2012 | Coosa, Cuda, FishingHelped Dave Lindo at OKC Kayak work a booth at this show for the Jackson line of kayak’s. Was a blast and had a great crowd of people lots of interest in the Jackson line. Drove from Dallas to Okalahoma City Friday afternoon, was pleasantly surprised at the setup that...