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Reno River Festival ‘14

  Another Reno River festival is in the books, and it was an interesting one for sure. We started off the festivities in the Ninkasi Penthouse overlooking the WW park for judges meetings and a out of town boater party. Needless to say the beer was top notch and...

Racing my Villain to boatercross victory in Reno

This past weekend was the Reno River Festival, and as you can tell by all the stories on the JK site it was a great time. We were stoaked with the high water and great events. Team JK did super well all across the board. The team got more podium spots than you can...
NAWF a great time by all!

NAWF a great time by all!

This year’s North Alabama Whitewater Festival combined with the Locust Fork Slalom Races, and added some biking events to become Alabama Mountain Games.    There was live music each day, great fun in the form of kayaking, vendors, biking, and even sunbathing if...