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Mr. Lucky

Mr. Lucky

I’m sure that if you’re like me, you usually have a routine that you go through on the mornings that you fish. Mine is typically the same— throw the rods in the truck, make sure my kayak is tied down properly and stop at the same corner store for the same cup of...
Alberta Tiger Trout

Alberta Tiger Trout

What do you get when you cross a female brown trout and a male brook trout? Well, let me tell you! A Tiger Trout! It takes brown trout egg’s and the milk of a brook trout to produce these beautiful tigers. I’ve been fishing as long as I can remember and I’ve fly...
Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Some days throw opportunities at you, some don’t. I’d like to think of myself as someone that doesn’t let opportunity knock on someone else’s door. I like to answer whenever possible. I had a chance to get out on the water for a couple hours before a decent storm was...
Lake Lanier Recap

Lake Lanier Recap

  On May 4th, four of the clubs in Georgia came together for an event on Lake Lanier in north Georgia. Despite a KBF SE Regional event happening on Nickajack a couple, three hours away, 83 anglers from across Georgia (and South Carolina and Alabama) turned out...
New Kayak Fishing Book

New Kayak Fishing Book

Noted kayak angler, Gary Rankel, has authored a 152 page guide to kayak fishing: “Finding the Treasures of the Trails – Kayak Fishing”. Kayak Angler Magazine (Spring 2019) refers to the book as a “treasure for any angler”. The book’s how-to section provides a...