Winds of Change by jeremycrowe | Jun 18, 2019 | FishingSome days throw opportunities at you, some don’t. I’d like to think of myself as someone that doesn’t let opportunity knock on someone else’s door. I like to answer whenever possible. I had a chance to get out on the water for a couple hours before a decent storm was...
OhiWOAH by jeremycrowe | Jun 14, 2019 | FishingEarlier this spring I was invited to fish my first tournament of the year down in Ohio through the Mi-Oh tournament trail. It was originally set to be held on Kiser lake but was switched to Indian lake. We camped with a few friends on the lake for a couple days to...
Jurassic creek, Dinosaurs are still here. by teamjk | Jan 22, 2019 | FishingMost people know I’m a diehard river smallmouth fisherman. It’s true. I am definitely addicted to what these big bronze monster tailed fish bring to the table. Where they live, how they hit, how they fight, what’s not to obsess about? I’m for sure a lifer in SMA...
Ultimate river/creek drag chain setup? by teamjk | Jan 14, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalWhen roaming moving water of any speed a way to manage boat speed or drift is a must have. The ability to drift at an eighth of the speed of the current compared to full current speed invaluable. It will allow you more time to assess the structure. More casts or more...
Fishfinder setup on the Coosa FD by Jeremy Deanda | Jan 4, 2019 | Coosa FD, FishingWhen installing a fishfinder on your Coosa FD the first step is determining which side of your kayak you want to have the screen mounted. I like to land my fish on the right side, so I mount my accessories on the left side. If you are running a larger screen the track...
Just roll with it by Jeremy Deanda | Dec 27, 2018 | FishingThere are some smaller bodies of water like farm ponds or reclaimed coal pits that access can be a bit of a task. Having a wheel cart can be a life saver when there is a long trail to the water. Carts can also be handy in smaller streams where you might have to get...
Bug Out Box by teamjk | Dec 19, 2018 | Accessories, FishingIf you could have a Bug Out Bag, why not a Bug Out Box? I’m sure there are plenty of people out there that feel like there is a perfect kayak. Well if you fish the same type of waters consistently, with the same gear load you might think you’ve found the perfect kayak...
Short bed solutions by Jeremy Deanda | Dec 13, 2018 | FishingHaving a short bed truck has it’s obstacles when taking a trip with two big kayaks and a ton of gear. There are a few products out there that can make it a little easier on you. Yakima racks has a system called the Bedrock that puts roof rack crossbars on top of...
Have it your way! by Jeremy Deanda | Dec 11, 2018 | Coosa FD, FishingWe all know that Jackson Kayak has the best looking kayaks out there. One of the really awesome things about Jackson is they give you the option to make your kayak truly your own. For an extra $300 you can choose any of the colors in their palate and get a kayak that...
What is it for me? by teamjk | Dec 8, 2018 | FishingSimply put it’s a kayak. By definition they are not. Lot’s of arguing about what is and is not a kayak going on recently. I don’t have answers for everyone. It’s a little plastic boat. But what is more important, well at least to me, is what it does for me. So, what...
Spur of the moment by teamjk | Nov 30, 2018 | Fishing, LiskaShannon and I did a float down the Huron river mid-July. It was a section that we frequent often but we gained access through a small creek for the first time. We got into some good fish right in the creek. Shannon caught a nice Pike, about 30” and I landed an 18”...
Remembering warm weather! by Jeremy Adkins | Feb 7, 2018 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Antix, Creeking, Internationalisation, Karma, Playboating, rivers, United States, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesSo far in the southeast we had a dismal winter. Cold temperatures with very low rainfall. Fingers cross that will soon change. The past few months have been slow, cold, and not full of alot of adventure. That will soon to change. Here is a video that I put together of...