The top 5 fears and questions people face when starting kayaking: by johnnychase | Apr 21, 2019 | WhitewaterHow do I get started? There are a few ways to get started. To me the two best ways to get into kayaking is either going out with a friend who knows how to kayak or take a kayak class at a river near you. The kayak class can be a great option if you don’t know anyone...
What I Keep in my Life Jacket: by johnnychase | Apr 3, 2019 | WhitewaterThe requirement for having life vests aboard is obvious, but should you go overboard, staying above the water isn’t your only goal. First, you have to be found. That’s why my favorite life jackets have something in common: pockets. Your life jacket is a great place to...
Jackson Kayak’s Most Fun Kayak: by teamjk | Dec 25, 2018 | Dynamic Duo, rivers, WhitewaterWe all have a big debate about what kayak is the best and what kayak is the most fun, but it really isn’t a competition; I have never had more fun than I have in the Dynamic Duo! You can do anything in this boat from getting surfed in huge holes to taking your mom...
5 tips to make your first overnight a great one: by teamjk | Dec 14, 2018 | Creeking, Instructional, River Running, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW Disciplines1. Pack good food! A lot of the time people get the idea that they need to pack a small amount of food that is really light and yes it does make it easier to carry your boat and makes it a little bit lighter. But there is nothing better than pulling out a tasty dinner...
Evan Moore by teamjk | Nov 5, 2018 | WhitewaterEvan and I have been best friends since we first met in second grade, over fifteen years ago. Growing up with Evan has been an experience to say the least. Evan is now known as one of the best kayakers in the world. He is always paddling at the top level and is able...