No Drill Anchor Mount by teamjk | Mar 6, 2019 | Coosa FD, Coosa HD, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, InstructionalWhen I switched from my Coosa HD to my Coosa FD it was like moving into a familiar upgraded home. There was a few challenges though. One of them was the mounting of my anchoring system. I use an Kayak Anchor kit Wizard with a claw anchor. On the Coosa HD I ran it off...
Family River Fun by teamjk | Mar 4, 2019 | Coosa FD, Family Zone, Fishing, Outdoor AdventuresWe had every Jackson Kayak we own out on this particular day. We had taken another family out with us who had wanted to try fishing from a kayak. Our kids who are no strangers to kayak fishing or just hanging out in the rivers were in the following kayaks,...
The Spot by teamjk | Mar 2, 2019 | Family Zone, FishingHere is the coastal bend the bays have begun filling up with anglers hoping to catch huge speckled trout. It’s a beautiful site when one attacks a top water lure early in the morning just as the sun coming up on the horizon. I don’t fish for speckled trout very often,...
JKreate Low Modification by teamjk | Feb 26, 2019 | Accessories, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, JK-Rate (J Krate)This little bit is on some modifications I made on my JKrate Low to better fit my fishing needs. The JKrate Low is great in itself and come ready to go straight from the factory to attach and go. I upgraded to the JKrate Low after using a modified milk create for...
Story of 2018 by teamjk | Feb 21, 2019 | Internationalisation, Poland, Reviews, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, WhitewaterIt is a time for recap of 2018 and bring couple of highlights. It has been crazy year for me and even more full with adventures than any other with some life changing events. Hope you enjoy the read! Most important is that I managed to keep on paddling with my friends...
Paddler or Angler? by teamjk | Feb 21, 2019 | Coosa, FishingSince I can remember I have loved fishing and paddling, but had not combined to two until I was introduced to Jackson Kayaks in 2012 by my local Jackson Kayak Dealer MEFCOR Outdoors. After getting a Jackson Coosa it became very apparent to me that you could...
Its a Jackson Kind of time!! by teamjk | Feb 20, 2019 | FishingWhat better place to paddle your Jackson Kayak then on Jackson Lake here in northern Alberta within the Lakeland Provincial Park. In the dead of this past summer on a whim the night before, I called my good buddy Curtis J. to see if he was up for an adventure!!...
My top 5 favorite kayak fishing accessories by teamjk | Feb 18, 2019 | Accessories, Fishing#1. Astral designs Ronny pfd. I chose the Ronny pfd. by Astral designs for my number 1 favorite kayak fishing accessory, and for good reason. I have been personally using this pfd. for the past 2 seasons, and love how lightweight it is. Another great...
Adventures Alone by teamjk | Feb 17, 2019 | FishingJeremy Crowe asked me if I wanted to go fishing when he gets out of work. I asked him what time he was out. I was already off work. He said he didn’t know. My response…”cash me owww side! How-bout dat??” He can catch up. So, I loaded up! I...
We going straight to the Wild Wild West, The Western Canadian Kayak Fishing Trail. by teamjk | Feb 11, 2019 | Canada, Coosa FD, Event Coverage, Events, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, Tournaments2018 will stand as an epic year in the western Canadian kayak fishing community. It was the inaugural year for the Western Canadian Kayak Fishing Trail, organized by Mike Zilkowsky, a long time tournament organizer (Eastslope) in Alberta. It was a best five of...
Winter Blues Buster by teamjk | Feb 4, 2019 | Coosa FD, FishingIf you’re like me and live in the north, it gets cold. Not just “where do the fish go when I’m paddling in the cold”, but the “Oh look! There’s 32 inches of ice over my favorite lake” kind of cold. Its one the biggest issues facing kayak anglers in the...
Lake St. Clair smackdown by teamjk | Feb 2, 2019 | Fishing Many would consider lake st. Clair to be the best smallmouth lake in the country, and rightfully so. It’s not uncommon to have 100 fish catch days of 3 to 5 pound smallmouth, with the occasional 6 pounder mixed in. So when KBF announced lake...