Rocker hits the UK, cool photo… by Will Richardson | Nov 11, 2005 | Rockers, WhitewaterNovember 11, 2005 Photo sent from Stuart Miller in the UK. Rocker in action on a first descent of a low volume Lake District Creek. EJ 🙂 Stuart on Stockley Bridge Falls, Grains...
Hero, Super Hero, and Rocker Bulkhead Design, the first big innovation in 15 years of design by Will Richardson | Oct 1, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, WhitewaterAugust 31, 2005 Bulkhead: The Jackson Kayak bulkhead design for the Hero, Super Hero, and Rocker is a breakthrough design. It is the first innovation in bulkhead design in 15 years, when the method currently being used by every other manufacturer was designed. The...
Check out Spencer Cooks video on Valley Mill Boat Shop- Jackson Kayak’s number one dealer by Will Richardson | Sep 27, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, WhitewaterOctober 27, 2005 Valley Mill Boat Shop is Colin Kemp. He is the number one ranked dealer in the world for Jackson Kayak, both in 2004, and now in 2005 (as of today). Colin paddles the Super Hero, Super Fun, Super Star, and Rocker. Spencer is the IR rep and is has...
Rocker Self Support Success by Will Richardson | Sep 27, 2005 | 2010 Star, Classic Stars, Rockers, WhitewaterSeptember 27, 2005 EJ, Clay and David, You guys did a great job and designed one wild creek boat! After doing the research, making the order, and then waiting 5 months patiently for my jet black Rocker I was more than ready to unwrap the thing and put many hours of...
Gauley Fest Weekend was a big one for AW and the Jackson Kayak team… by Will Richardson | Sep 27, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, WhitewaterSeptember 27, 2005 Photos One very special part of the 2005 trip to West Virginia’s Gauley and New Rivers was having my partner and friend Tony Lunt here to paddle and help us with the festival. Other highlights for me were paddling with my team all week. Clay,...
Dan Rubado gets his new Rocker! by Will Richardson | Sep 27, 2005 | Rockers, WhitewaterAugust 27, 2005 Hi guys, Here’s another video (3.49 MB Windows Media File) clip. [If you get an error when clicking on this link, right click and select, "Save Target As …" to download the file to your computer]. Yesterday was the first time...
Jackson Kayak is offering Factory seconds (cosmetic blems, otherwise known as demos) for sale to the public through our dealer network starting today! by Will Richardson | Sep 17, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, WhitewaterOctober 17, 2005 That is right- want to get the best price on a Jackson Kayak right now- here you go! What is it? Factory Blems, or Demo boats are what I paddle, as well as all of Team Jackson Kayak. I won the world championships in a demo boat. What is wrong with a...
2006 Jackson Kayak pricing starts today!! LOWER!!! by Will Richardson | Sep 6, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, Whitewater2006 Jackson Kayak pricing starts today!! LOWER!!! October 6, 2005 Good news if you are ready to buy a Jackson Kayak! New prices are effective today. This is news to your dealer as well as to you. While I let your dealer know in an email, you may have to remind them....
Russell Fork after a couple of runs becomes a hoot! by Will Richardson | Sep 5, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, WhitewaterOctober 5, 2005 Dane paddled the Hero and wouldn’t get out of it. Clay and I switched between the Rocker and Super Hero and had a blast. Mario loved the Rocker. We learned the lines and found tons of great slots and cool moves, thanks to Clay. Thanks for a great...
My first time down the Russell Fork with Dane by Will Richardson | Sep 3, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, WhitewaterOctober 3, 2005 Clay and Stephen both emailed me from the Gauley saying that they were headed to the Russell Fork and Dane told me that he wanted to do some creeking. Made sense to me, so we loaded ourselves in the RV, along with Mario, and Kristine, of course, and we...
Stephen’s Day Off Coaching: Rocker air loop Video by Will Richardson | Jul 27, 2005 | Rockers, WhitewaterJuly 27, 2005 I had yesterday off coaching the Keeners, and my tired body needed a day-off paddling. About half-way through the day, however, I got bored and the pull of the river was irresistable. Inspired by my day in the Rocker on Saturday, I wanted more–but...
Big Week at Jackson Kayak headquarters! Meeting of the big wigs all week by Will Richardson | Jul 25, 2005 | Heros, Rockers, WhitewaterJuly 25, 2005 Phase one of Jackson Kayak is completed. Introduce the first ever complete line of kayaks all in one year, and work out the production kinks to be able to produce enough to satisfy demand. Now it is time to have a meeting of the minds as we enter phase 2...