The Importance of Warming Up by bryceaaron | Jul 15, 2019 | Fitness, Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionThe Importance of Warming Up After a grueling hour-long shuttle and waiting for twice that at the put-in, the only thing to do is hop on the water and fire it up. But, there’s one action you can take to help reduce injuries and feel better after a paddle*. Warming up...
GoPro Hero 4 Tech Tip by bryceaaron | Jan 23, 2018 | Accessories, Instructional, Whitewater, Whitewater InstructionTech Tip- On the Hero 4 Black and Silver, there is an option to have the camera function like a Session or Hero 5 or 6. It makes it so that when you press the shutter button (the button on top) it turns on the camera and starts filming. When you press it again, it...
2017 in Review- Bryce Aaron by bryceaaron | Dec 24, 2017 | Reviews, rivers, Trip Reports, Video, Whitewater, WW Disciplines2017 was one for the books! I competed in the most events I have ever participated in and one was even in Canada. I went to Nationals and made it out to Colorado for Team Trials, which was awesome. I participated in 6 weeks of the Keener Program and then started...
Why the Antix is Awesome! by bryceaaron | Oct 24, 2017 | Antix, Creeking, Reviews, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesI’ve been paddling in Northern Quebec for the past 3 weeks and paddling the Ottawa for a total of 9 weeks this summer. I used the Antix on almost every run we did, some of which were the Upper Valin, Shipshaw, Jacque Cartier, Malbaie, and the Seven Sisters of the...
Visualizing Your Ride by bryceaaron | Aug 14, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Events, Instructional, Playboating, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesCompetitions are something that almost every kayaker does, be it a hometown throwdown or Worlds! Competitions may make some people nervous but what I’ve found most helpful is to visualize your ride and seeing you do it in your head! Visualizing your ride can...
Why you Should Take the Extra Time to Tie Boats Down by bryceaaron | Apr 16, 2017 | 2016 Rock Star Competition, Trip Reports, Trips, WhitewaterSo I’m driving down I-85 on the South Carolina section of it when all of a sudden we hear a thud…….. DUN DUN DUNNN All of a sudden the horns blare behind us and the road lights up with flashing high-beams letting us know something was astray. We...
Paddling in the Winter by teamjk | Jan 21, 2017 | Clinics, rivers, WhitewaterIt’s that time of year again! The dreaded winter, when the rivers are all dormant and it’s cold. Really cold. But here’s the real question; How do you keep you skills up so you don’t forget how to kayak? 1. Go to your pool sessions! Pool...