Joe Pietrek

Living most of his youth in Las Vegas, there was not a ton of easy access to water so fishing
was not a high priority for Joe. He focused on other sports during his younger days and did
not get into fishing until much later in life. Kayak fishing was even later but once he caught
his first bass in a kayak, he was hooked (pun intended). Living now in Northeast Wisconsin,
specifically the Green Bay area, there is endless access to lakes, big and small, and rivers so
fishing has become a lifestyle versus a hobby. Over the last few years, kayak fishing has
become a passion. Whether it’s getting out for a few hours before his day job or spending
hours on the water on the weekend, he’s taken every opportunity to learn and fish more.
He shares his passion for kayak fishing with his family who is able, at times, to share in the
experience with him. Joe also shares his passion with friends, coworkers and pretty much
anyone he comes in contact with. He hopes to continue sharing his passion for kayak
fishing by introducing more people to the sport and the kayak fishing community.