Wyatt Gard

I have always had a love for the outdoors, whether it was fishing, hunting, camping or riding atv’s. I began racing atv’s at the age of 15 and continued into my mid twenties. After a hand injury, I realized that I needed to compete in a different sport that was not so hard on my body and that’s when I got into kayak tournaments.

Bass fishing has always held a special place in my heart and tournaments fulfilled the competitive side of me. Long before I realized the vast industry of kayak fishing, I would always find myself putting my small sit-in kayak into whatever water I could in hopes of catching that big bass here in Indiana. I remember utilizing my kayak to fish areas that were hard to reach with a boat.

After my first season fishing competitively, I realized how big the sport really was. I met numerous great people and the addiction of competition and adventure started to set in! Every year I found myself upgrading my equipment and learning more about the sport and bass fishing. The kayak community is something really special and now some of my closest friends have came from fishing!