Ryan Phipps

I am Ryan Phipps from Pembroke, Ontario, Canada. I was born and raised in a fishing family. However, I am fairly new to the kayak fishing & tournament scene. In 2022 I was introduced to kayak fishing after stumbling across some Facebook groups; Kayak Bass Canada (KBC) & Kingston Canoe & Kayak Fishing (KCKF). I started off by joining a few online tournaments, then competing in a few local tournaments and have been hooked ever since. I have fished out of a Jackson Coosa FD the past 2 seasons, and have now upgraded to a Jackson Knarr FD, the ultimate tournament rig. I love multispecies fishing, but kayak bass tournaments have unlocked a whole new level of passion. I now compete in multiple tournament trails across Ontario & Canada, including the Ontario Kayak Bass Trail (OKBT) & Ontario Kayak Bassmasters. My home water is the Ottawa River, but I also love exploring new bodies of water all over Ontario. My favourite way to fish is topwater frogs in thick weeds! I film all of my fishing adventures for my YouTube channel InstaPhippsyFishing. Besides fishing, my other hobbies include hockey, volleyball, kayaking, golf and being active outdoors.

Local dealer:
Trailhead Paddleshack
Frontenac Outfitters
YouTube: InstaPhippsyFishing
Instagram: instaphippsyfishing