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Name: Boyd Ruppelt

Age: 40+

Years in the sport: 30+

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 165 lbs

Favorite Rivers:

Fuy, Zambezi, Ottawa, and Nevados

About Boyd:

With more than 30 years in the sport of kayaking and more than 20 years on Team Jackson Kayak, Boyd has built decades of expertise in kayaking, instruction, and guiding throughout 3 continents. His passion is sharing the adventure and the personal growth that comes with it, while sparking enough curiosity and intrigue to motivate others to go for it themselves- and they often do.

If Not Kayaking What Else Would You Be Doing?

Surfing, diving, writing, exploring the world

His Thoughts on Kayaking?

“If moments make you wealthy and experience gives you wisdom, then paddling made me rich and the rivers made me wise.”

Where to Find Boyd:


Instagram: boydruppelt

YouTube: @CleanLineKayaking

Facebook: Boyd.Ruppelt.Jr

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