Jaime Sharp

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Name: Jaime Sharp

Birthday: 1981

Country: New Zealand

Kayak Style: anything with a paddle 

Favorite Jackson kayaks: Karma RG/Unlimited, Zen 2015


Jaime started whitewater kayaking at the age of 12 after going on 7 day family canoe trip on the Whanganui River in New Zealand. “I loved the river though wanted my independence and longed to kayak”. Jaime soon was paddling technical rivers and playing Competitive Kayak Polo at school. Jaime trained as an outdoor instructor and guide while studying at university, and was soon teaching whitewater skills and guiding rafts in the summer breaks.  A shoulder injury lead him to sea kayaking in his early 20’s as a form of rehabilitation, however this lead to a “profession change” and he has now guided sea kayak trips all over the world, as well as leading personal extended sea kayak expeditions in remote corners of the world. On top of this he still whitewater kayaks and now loves to blend ocean, surf, and rivers into his own style of “rough water long boating”.

“I love the feel and challenge of dynamic water; it is what got me hooked to whitewater originally, in the ocean you can find features that rival any class 5 run on a river, and the surf... well who doesn’t like to surf? I am a big believer that whitewater makes you an amazing paddler, though paddling long boats also makes you good, combine them, and strive to master both, and you open a huge world of possibility in all realms of paddling”

On top of kayaking Jaime is an adventurer at heart and indulges in all forms of adventure as well as being a semi pro photographer (his images appearing in numerous kayak magazines) and film maker, all this on top of still leading group adventure trips all over the world.


You can follow Jaime’s adventures or join him on one here

www.overlandoverwater.com and www.worldwildadventure.com

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